Our journey towards transparent

Our journey...
We identify ourselves as a sustainable brand. The journey towards a fully sustainable brand is a strategic choice and part of our identity as a brand from Hornbæk close to forest and nature. Taking care of our planet, as well as possible, is important to us and part of our Eco-design project, where everyone in the product development team is continuously trained and given the opportunity to make and develop products based on sustainable choices.

Our Code of Conduct is at the core of all our partnerships.
All our suppliers are selected on the basis that they can and have signed our Code of Conduct.
We define our CSR goals as being in line with the UN's 10 global goals, where all our suppliers are 3rd party audited by external auditing agencies such as Amfori, BSCI, Bureu Veritas, SGS, Sedex. All suppliers are audited either by us or a third-party Partner for social and environmental compliance with national CSR legislation.
Our suppliers deliver new reports annually and we endeavor to visit them at least once a year.

In full alignment with ESG regulations.
Our products are mainly produced in China. As our products are of complexity and with a high degree of functionality, we work with the best suppliers within each product category. Collaboration is rooted in many years of development of both products and relationships. This ensures continuous trust and quality assurance, which is at the core of our DNA.
None of our products deviates from the requirements set by the EU in their ESG regulations and we continuously develop our business towards an even more sustainable future. Likewise, in cooperation with our suppliers, we ensure that we stay up to date on REACH compliance and continuously develop our products with the new standards. All our products are checked for nickel and PFAS and are significantly below the permitted limit values. We strive to only work with recycled polyester where possible.
The material development of the future is a process we follow closely and aim to help develop by incorporating them into our products.

Working towards a reduced Co2 environmental footprint.
This is an area in constant development, and we see that more can be done to reduce consumption, we are working on reducing our Co2 environmental footprint.
In 2019 we entered into agreements on the handling of paper packaging in Germany, we are going to spread this cooperation in the EU as the countries introduce the new EU rules, the next countries to start with this are Spain and Greece. In the area of plastic, there is also a lot going on, especially around single-use plastic, of which we unfortunately use a part.
We are constantly working to make our packaging more sustainable. In 2024, we consolidate our data in the packaging area and set ambitious goals for the future and will be able to report on this in 2025.

Beginning a data-driven and systematized follow-up of our environmental impact.
On the transport side, in 2024 we will also continue the streamlining and rationalization that we started in 2022. We will initially work with a further mapping of our purchasing patterns and the associated transport options, including individual needs, and combine this with analyzes of the options available to minimize transport from producer to end consumer, the goal is an ambitious minimization of the company's total Co2 footprint through optimized production and transport.
In 2024, we will begin a data-driven and systematized follow-up of our environmental impact in the area of transport, including a focus on an increased use of greener transport solutions. The digital system support will include and collect information on all forms of transport to which the individual product is exposed during its lifetime.

Since 1 October 2016, we have converted 100% of our electricity purchases for all buildings and installations owned or leased by the group to renewable and CO2-neutral energy produced by Danish wind and solar power.

Going greener...
We have moved our warehouse from an 8000 m2 oil-heated warehouse to a 4500 m2 district heating-heated warehouse. We have moved closer to the receiving ports, which has resulted in shorter transport by truck from port to warehouse and at the same time closer to our largest European markets, i.e. a shorter distance from warehouse to customers. Over the past 2 years, we have reduced our own vehicle fleet to an absolute minimum, and today we mostly pay mileage allowance for the employees' own hybrid or electric cars. At the head office, we have introduced zoned heating management, the heating with heat pumps is implemented as a supplement which runs on CO" neutral electricity. We have replaced 80% of the lighting in the head office with LEDs.